Rewardy – Status App with Reward Points + PWA + Backend 1.2


Rewardy is a social media app where users can share their status. Users will get points for using the app like by uploading a status, viewing others status, liking a status, commenting on status etc. Status creator will also get points when other users like/comment/view their status. They can exchange their earned points with amazing gifts.

User Features:

  • PWA Support
  • Membership Packages
  • Post Image/Video/YouTube Status
  • Get Rewards Points
  • Follow Users / Get Followers
  • View/Like/Comment on Status
  • Add Status to Favourite Collection
  • Report Status
  • Create Ad or Boost Status
  • Deposit Money
  • Withdraw Points
  • Leaderboard
  • Create Support Ticket
  • Choose Languages
  • Choose Currency
  • Choose App Theme
  • Many More…

Admin Features:

  • PWA Support
  • Review / Manage Status
  • Manage Membership Packages
  • Manage Users
  • Send Private Message to users
  • Manage Reward Points
  • Manage Advertisements
  • Manage Support Tickets
  • Add & Update Categories, Slides, Languages, Currencies
  • Add Manual Payment Methods
  • Add Withdrawal Methods (Cash or Gift Cards)
  • Manage Deposits & Withdrawal Requests
  • Turn On/Off Earning System, Email Verification System, Auto Approve
  • Manage Status Reports
  • Change Referral Reward Amounts and Type
  • Change Video Conversion System (FFMPeg)
  • Many More…

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